Wedding Gallery 2

Before the Event

The Bride's preparation

(Click on any image to see a larger version. This will take several minutes to load; please be patient.)

before01 Arrival in Santa Maria
before02 The baking of the cheesecakes.
before03 The baking of the cheesecakes II.
before04 Sometimes the results are surprising.
before05 Making appointments.
before06 Washing the car.
before07 Every wedding needs flowers. First, check the gardens at your future mother-in-law's house.
before10 Eventually, though, you have to buy flowers.
before11 Lots of flowers.
before08 Exercise is very important to reduce stress.
before09 Of course, nothing beats the spa.
before17 Boutonnieres, anyone?
before18 Inspection of the bridal bouquet.
before19 Directing the flower arrangements on the arch.
before21 Never underestimate the importance of a good salon.

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